Meet Joey Joe Joe!!!!

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So this is where I will post my ups and downs about 2013l!!! The schools, the people, my church and of course MY ADVENTURES AROUND EUROPE!!!!! So feel free to live vicariously through me or get your butt over here and visit Europe with me!!!! :P NOTE: THE VIEWS REPRESENTED ON THIS BLOG ARE MINE ALONE AND DO NOT REFLECT THE VIEWS OF ANY OTHER ORGANISATIONS.

Saturday, 26 January 2013

Let the adventure begin...

The sizzling Australian sun is warm on my skin, and, as so many times before, I feel a small drop of sweat run down my back. As I open my eyes I am captive to the iconic points of the Sydney Opera House, the detailed structure of the Harbour Bridge and lolling beneath: the refreshing, silky water of Sydney Harbour. On the 12th of November, with eleven weeks to go here I sit at Circular Quay and stare out at the BEST of Sydney.

As I sit in awe of this beautiful day the Lord had made, nervous about what the future holds, I begin to think back on the last few years and where God had brought me.

I remember returning to Church feeling so inadequate and guilty about the life I was living. Looking  around the church I could only see those who reflected a perfect life and a perfect walk with Christ and which made me feel even worse; soiled and more ashamed. These people didn’t need Christ, they were perfect right?!? They never lied or swore or drank too much; they didn’t have the scars I did.

However, God, unlike people is FORGIVENESS!!! I remember being struck by the stories of Zacchaeus and Rahab I wanted to be like them, I wanted to make a life with Christ beyond my past!!!
And today, as I reflect I am still ashamed of my sin, but I do not try to hide it, for through my cracks God works, shows His grace and reveals the gospel message! Christ declared, “I have come, not to get the upright, but sinners, so that they may be turned from their sins” (Luke 5:32). WHAT A LOVING FATHER!!!!

So now instead of the broken, shallow life I once lived, with which I was so content, I am a graduate with a Masters of Education and a Bachelor of Adult Education, flying over to London to live and teach and am in a right relationship with my Heavenly Father. THIS IS WHAT GRACE LOOKS LIKE!!!! Because, without, His love and His plans what would have stopped me from ending up on the streets?!?!

At a conference 2 years ago I heard FAITH in God explained as a:

 It was easy to take that for granted, living at home with parents who paid the bills, bought the food and took care of me, surrounded by friends who I trusted and loved. But, today as I think about this next phase in my life this concept takes on a whole new reality. I prayed and thought hard about this decision and really believe it is part of God’s plan for me. My year in Europe really is my year of a Fantastic Adventure In Trusting Him (God).

So, call me Rahab, call me Zacchaeus! For me these are the real heroes of the Bible, a man and a woman who risked everything and changed their lives due to their encounter with God/Jesus. I intend to follow in their footsteps, to repent from the past and live by Faith!

Now, my day at Circular Quay feels like yesterday, yet tonight I will be boarding a plane to Tokyo Japan and in four days a plane to London. I look forward to see how God will grow me and change me this year, to see who I am in Christ and decide where I am heading in the future!

All my love, love, loving Joey Joe Joe! 
